Thursday, October 15, 2009

Farmer deterioration

This file contains the original farmer with tears in his clothes representing damage.

Animal deterioration

Here are the files for the animals showing damage to them with two varying degrees; light damage and heavy damage.

.fla files:
  • Chicken

Defeat Screen

This is the animation that is played when the farmers reach the left hand side of the screen.

The .fla file can be downloaded here:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Victory screen

This is the animation that plays when the player has won the game. 

.FLA can be downloaded here:

Intro movie

This is the intro movie for the game detailing the story and leading into the game.

Intro Movie sketches


This is the HUD for the tower defense side of the game. I don't know why the colour has turned out blue in the preview, it should be brown.

Download the original Illustrator file here:

Tractor animation

Here is the tractor animation for the puzzle side of the game:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vector images to animate

Character Designs

These are the character designs ready to be rendered digitally and animated.

Concept Sketch Page

This is a page of preliminary concepts for the characters.

Game Document

This is my contribution to the game document:


 The animals of insert name here had been living in cold and crowded conditions for many seasons now as the farmers prospered from their hard work. Gradually the animals became aware that they deserved a better life for all of the hard toil that they put in for the benefit of their ungrateful captors. The pigs being the laziest of the animals on the farm were naturally the first to refuse to work and by the end of the day the entire farm had formed the animal resistance. The farmers were initially caught off-guard but regrouped quickly and now prepared a counter attack on their disobedient livestock and reclaim the barn that the animals have turned into their headquarters.


The Tower Defence aspect of the game is inspired by the game Plants Vs Zombies a side-on tower defence game that provides the viewer with a better depth of field to view the art of the animation. As opposed to typical tower defence game which places the viewer in a top down point of view limiting the impact that he art of the game can have. The puzzle game is derived from elements from the gamesBrick Attack and Pong, both involve a moving paddle on the edge of the screen controlled by the user and attempts to hit a moving pixel with it. 



Cow: Long range unit for the animal resistance using its udders to fire jets of milk at any farmers unwitting enough to be caught in their path. The cow also provides a sturdy blocking option to prevent farmers from progressing forward.

Chicken: The chicken is a versatile unit that both produces resources for the resistance and is a long range attacking option. In the puzzle side of the game the chicken produces eggs to be collected as resources and on the tower defence side it throws eggs as a projectile.

Sheep: The sheep also provide long range fire with the assistance of chicken eggs and a sling.

Horse: The horse provides the physical power in the animal resistance with its ferocious kicking strength unleashed on any farmer that gets too close.

Pig: The pig acts as a blocker to impede the progress of the farmers to the barn. The considerable bulk of the pig lies in a puddle of mud making it difficult for the farmers to make it budge.


Sheerer: The farmer equipped with sheers is best suited for removing the threat posed by sheep.

Pitchfork: The pitchfork wielding farmer is the best at beating chickens and pigs.

Cattle Prod: The cattle prod wielding farmer is best equipped for vanquishing the cows and horses in the animal resistance.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Final level

This is the steampunk level in its complete glory based off the area designs found in the playstation game "Final Fantasy IX."

The character that the user controls is a living cloud of steam. By going all the way to the right of the screen the character enters the steam power plant.

Look of the level

These screenshots show the different aspects of the level; from the street view with all the houses and the inn, to the interior of the steam power plant. I want the look of the level to be quite heavily populated by bursts of steam erupting from pipes and cylinders. 

Monday, September 7, 2009

Steam power plant drawings

These images are used for the inside of the steam power plant that acts as the second component of the level. When the character nears the door they enter the power plant.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Building drawings and extras

The top image shows the sky background used in behind the houses, the bottom image is a variation on the house design depicting an inn just to break up the rows of houses. The midle image is of assorted extra objects to go around and in front of the houses. They include a statue, a well, a barrel, a crate and a tree.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Building Drawings

These are the houses that I have drawn for the level digitally painted using corel Painter. I went for an old look to it with a combination of the steampunk elements like the brass pipes. I like the slated roofs of the houses because they give a lot of minute detail to them.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Building Concepts

This is a set of concepts for the style of house design that I will use for the level. The design in the middle of the top row is the one that I have settled on. It combines the elements that I want; an old look with the use of stone and wood combined with steampunk elemnts like the pipes going across the house.

I didn't want my designs to be too bogged down by having stones on the exterior because I think that it would clash with the brass pipes weaving around the houses. The second design has minimal use of stones in it and creates an effective balance with the wood and metal.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Level Concept

The level is going to be in a side-scroller style using 2.5D to show a bit of depth to the level. I chose to go with the side on aesthetic to show off the artwork of the building design and make it the most important part of the level. If I had gone with a different point of view I might not have been able to achieve the look that I want. Another component of "Final Fantasy IX" is the steampunk elements that they have, everything is powered by steam.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Project Three

This is the game proposal for project three.


Project Two

The level analysis that I conducted was for the Playstation role playing game "Final Fantasy IX."


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Character Animation

Move List:
Movement: Left and Right keys
Punch: Up key
Kick: Down key
Special Attack: Shift key

Digital Render

This is the digital render of Alundriel and his walk cycle.

Friday, July 31, 2009


This is a sketched portrait of Alundriel's head at an isometric angle.

Colour Render

This is an experimental image I did using digital watercolour techniques to render him.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


As part of his training Alundriel wears the traditional headband of the Rabbitoh dojo. He also has sweatbands to wear while training.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rendered Image

This is a colour rendered image of the character. I decided to go with this shade of blue coloured fur because it is commonly associated with mysticism and magic which links back to the concept of Alundriel having untapped potential within him.

Dynamic Poses

These designs show poses of the character in action and in dynamic positions to show off the way that he moves. He is an agile and lithe character with long limbs.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Character Backstory

The character is titled Alundriel and is the youngest in a long lineage of Rabbitoh martial artists. The fighting style of Rabbitoh harnesses the inner power hidden within a warrior and combines agile movements with powerful kicks. Alundriel is in training to unlock his inner potential that is his birthright.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Developed Concept

This set of images shows a more developed variation of the character which has a furrier look to it and less muscle-bound. I wanted to reduce the mass that the character carried in his upper body and transfer it to around the thigh and pelvic area where his centre of mass is. I'm not particularly happy with the tuft of fur on the chest it makes it appears though the character does not have fur on the other parts of his body.

Refined Sketch

This is my next sketch which focused on a more stylised and muscled character. But I feel that it is a little too exagerated with the muscle tone because it would not appear like that if it was covered by fur and I want it to lose a bit more mass and be manouvreable.

Initial Sketches

These are the initial character sketches I made by combining the features of a human being and a rabbit. I want to use the body and arms of a human along with the legs of a rabbit because these are the strongest features from both of them. I want to focus on creating quite a lean and almost lanky character who is physically fit, much like the top most picture. The other two images I feel that they are too large and muscle-bound.

Monday, July 20, 2009


The three main forms of inspiration that I am going to use for my character design are Street Fighter Alpha the animation, Dragonball Z and the character Freya from the video game Final Fantasy IX.

Images from: