Friday, July 31, 2009


This is a sketched portrait of Alundriel's head at an isometric angle.

Colour Render

This is an experimental image I did using digital watercolour techniques to render him.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


As part of his training Alundriel wears the traditional headband of the Rabbitoh dojo. He also has sweatbands to wear while training.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rendered Image

This is a colour rendered image of the character. I decided to go with this shade of blue coloured fur because it is commonly associated with mysticism and magic which links back to the concept of Alundriel having untapped potential within him.

Dynamic Poses

These designs show poses of the character in action and in dynamic positions to show off the way that he moves. He is an agile and lithe character with long limbs.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Character Backstory

The character is titled Alundriel and is the youngest in a long lineage of Rabbitoh martial artists. The fighting style of Rabbitoh harnesses the inner power hidden within a warrior and combines agile movements with powerful kicks. Alundriel is in training to unlock his inner potential that is his birthright.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Developed Concept

This set of images shows a more developed variation of the character which has a furrier look to it and less muscle-bound. I wanted to reduce the mass that the character carried in his upper body and transfer it to around the thigh and pelvic area where his centre of mass is. I'm not particularly happy with the tuft of fur on the chest it makes it appears though the character does not have fur on the other parts of his body.

Refined Sketch

This is my next sketch which focused on a more stylised and muscled character. But I feel that it is a little too exagerated with the muscle tone because it would not appear like that if it was covered by fur and I want it to lose a bit more mass and be manouvreable.

Initial Sketches

These are the initial character sketches I made by combining the features of a human being and a rabbit. I want to use the body and arms of a human along with the legs of a rabbit because these are the strongest features from both of them. I want to focus on creating quite a lean and almost lanky character who is physically fit, much like the top most picture. The other two images I feel that they are too large and muscle-bound.

Monday, July 20, 2009


The three main forms of inspiration that I am going to use for my character design are Street Fighter Alpha the animation, Dragonball Z and the character Freya from the video game Final Fantasy IX.

Images from: