Sunday, August 30, 2009

Building Concepts

This is a set of concepts for the style of house design that I will use for the level. The design in the middle of the top row is the one that I have settled on. It combines the elements that I want; an old look with the use of stone and wood combined with steampunk elemnts like the pipes going across the house.

I didn't want my designs to be too bogged down by having stones on the exterior because I think that it would clash with the brass pipes weaving around the houses. The second design has minimal use of stones in it and creates an effective balance with the wood and metal.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Level Concept

The level is going to be in a side-scroller style using 2.5D to show a bit of depth to the level. I chose to go with the side on aesthetic to show off the artwork of the building design and make it the most important part of the level. If I had gone with a different point of view I might not have been able to achieve the look that I want. Another component of "Final Fantasy IX" is the steampunk elements that they have, everything is powered by steam.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Project Three

This is the game proposal for project three.


Project Two

The level analysis that I conducted was for the Playstation role playing game "Final Fantasy IX."


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Character Animation

Move List:
Movement: Left and Right keys
Punch: Up key
Kick: Down key
Special Attack: Shift key

Digital Render

This is the digital render of Alundriel and his walk cycle.